Friday, November 15, 2013

Kernel of Insight: Megaten

Okay, so good news and bad news.  Good news is the revisions have started on Chapter 17 and I expect to have them ready in about a week or two, probably by the start of December.  Bad news is that I'm working harder than ever and this week in particular writing is slow due to all my writing assignments and extra that's a thing.

But, I do have one more Kernel of Insight for you.  This one examines some of my inspirations for monster designs in the story and some general feelings about world building.  It's interesting, taking a classic piece of myth and lore, and tweaking it to fit into a new world.  Mythology...every monster maker's favorite grab bag.

Anyway, this is a look at the Megaten series and how it has inspired me in my writing.

Kernel of Insight: Megaten

            I am a HUGE fan of the Shin Megami Tensei series of video games.  The main series more so than the Persona spin offs, but I digress.  Anyway, what does Megaten, as it's called, do really really well?  Accurate depictions of ancient gods and demons.  Seriously, the entire series is full of demons, angels, and monsters that...well...look accurate to their mythos.  Up to a point at least.  After all, you can't exactly have glowing orbs of light or masses of sexual organs as characters in even an R rated video game.  But, I love the series and in many ways I knew right from the start that I would use it as...sort of a inspiration, design wise.

            See, there are a fair few different races in Chronicles of the Frozen Shade, however what I liked exploring, in terms of design, was the idea of two opposing forces, the Goetians and the Metronians.  Because, they are like the Dragons.  They are basically gods of another world.  However, each has a bit of a quirk, which I'll get into later.  Quirks involving their creation and their basic aesthetic.  Metronians haven't appeared here, but I've hinted, so I'm just going to come out and say it.  Metronians are essentially metal angels.  Angels that are constructed like machines.  And Goetians are fleshy, animalistic creatures who are almost completely organic.  I enjoyed the dichotomy and was inspired by Megaten to an extent in the narrative.  Neither is a force for good or evil, but basically contracts in a business.  Goetians form contracts in which they get something for their services and Metronians receive pledges of honor or promises to change from an idealistic stand point.  It's a give and take.  Goetians tend to be more chaotic.  Metronians tend to be more orderly and follow law.

            An important thing to remember though is that their power is reflective of age, experience, and the way they were born.  This is also true for the Dragons, as I'm sure readers will remember some younger ones being outwitted by Mina and the others, while Rudra was like a force of nature, a god walking upon the earth, due to age difference and power.  However, one big thing is, how do you keep Dragons interesting in a world that's accepted them?  Sure, they're forces of nature, but then again, so is Aeon or any other super powerful spell caster.  Hell, Denad, while not excessively powerful, had a Goetian at his beck and call, which is akin to having an avenging angel, a wicked demon, or a minor god there to do what you want.  So, this is where things get interesting.

            Megaten borrows heavily from religious texts in it's interpretations of different gods and demons and they have a super talented illustrator, Kazuma Kaneko.  I took a few inspirations for design from some of their inspirations.  Granted, there are some major differences, especially when the Metronians are introduced down the line.  A throne, for example, in Megaten looks like an angel.  Distinct, but still angelic.  What I have planned will be drastically different and look more like...well, a throne.  However, I just love the aesthetic so much and it lends itself to so many strange and insane creatures to play around with.  Largely, the aesthetics are the only real similarities, if that.  Deminos's demon Melchom is mentioned in religious texts as a paymaster.  Granted, some of his image was borrowed from Megaten, but the money pouches and belts he wears, his ability to control the form and flow of gold coins, and his general lisping, easy going old timer personality?  All me.  Same with some more generic monsters.  Charybdis is a whirlpool in Greek myth, but I adapted it into something more akin to a venus flytrap and a graboid.  It's something I enjoy.

            Another thing to note is that Megaten also employs some strange and often unique creatures from myth that aren't gods, but regular monsters, like griffons or the like.  Some creatures, like the Myrmecolon, were discovered in this way, while Soul Satchern is an original idea(albeit not as awesome as a lion with the hind legs of a giant ant.)  Where I could, I adopted them into apocra, but...they do have to seem as if they could exist, to a degree.  By that, I mean they can't be mechanical and they can't be overtly human-esque in design.  So, I'm limited in various depictions of all kinds.  Apocra, Goetian, and Metronian.

            I guess the thesis of this little Kernel of Insight is that Shin Megami Tensei is awesome and everyone should totally play it.  There is a beautiful aesthetic which actually has inspired another set of characters and another world in another story.

            Funny little bit of inspiration I had, before I go.  I wrote a synopsis for a story based around the Megaten inspired lore I had.  And, it included an original character of mine and a character based off a friend of mine who were unique creations, based on certain elements of classic religious imagery, namely a king of worms and an angel of blades, but whose ultimate creation and aesthetic were my design and my characters.  So, if I ever get around to writing that story, this story is where they cameo'd first.  Funny, yeah?  Their appearance is still down the line, but I get a kick out of it nonetheless.  Also important to note that Kinana's design comes from Megaten and classic depictions of succubi, but her personality is molded by her experiences, like any thinking creature...and that's one thing I am proud of is, not only are Goetians, Metronians, and Apocra very different in terms of aesthetic, but they also grow over the course of the story.  Some carry a vendetta, some maintain a stock persona, some become more human than humans.  I won't spoil what made Kinana the way she is today, but...well, I think everyone can guess.  Though, it may not be in the manner you're thinking.

            Ohhhhhh...enough cryptic BS for one day.  Megaten.  Check it out.  Also my book.  check that out too, haha.

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