Monday, September 30, 2013

Kernel of Insight: Pie in the face at a funeral

Pretty sure I won't be finished with the revising of my newest chapter this week, so I've got another Kernel of Insight to share.  This is a look into the initial genre of my book and how it rapidly changed over the course of my writing.

            Here's something you may not know.  At first, this series was meant to be half drama half comedy.  No, I'm serious.  Some of those aspects still show through, with the ribbing done by characters on traits they have, but this feels more familial, like old friends or family giving each other shit because they've got that level of comfort established.  But, when I started the drafts it was much more pronounced.  For example, the first few drafts focused on Aeon, not Mina, and had him arriving in Gesthal, setting up a glamour, and causing it to snow just because he liked it.  It was a bit of somber tension, as this quiet, unearthly figure acted without restraint or fear of reprisal.  Then, he'd head inside to where his vassals were assembled and walk straight into a food fight.  The interesting thing about the different cast members is their contrasting personalities.  This could make for some great comedy, with Vincent being fastidious, but resigned to the insanity, Nerise being giddily accepting of it due to her child-like nature, Deminos being hot headed, especially about his build, Gadius being snide and elitist, while still womanizing, Yuka being independent with a bit of a mutually abusive relationship with Merkel, where he verbally abused him and she would physically tease him, by doing things like dropping a pie on his face.  Looking back, it was kind of surreal.  And Aeon was going to play the straight man to this.  It made for a very different series.

            However, once things started rolling, I realized two things.  One, I was not all that great at jokes.  Exposition?  Check.  Characterization?  Check.  Imagination?  Check.  Wit...ehhhh...hit and miss.  Sometimes hit and miss comedy in a fantasy series is great.  Terry Pratchett built the entire Discworld series on fantasy humor that is occasionally hit and miss.  The difference between our styles, however, is in wordplay and structure.  Oh, also that Terry Pratchett is a god amongst writers and I'm a neophyte seeking to tell a simple story.  Anyway, If you are going to have humor, you need to do it with words more than actions.  Visceral humor requires you to see it rather than read about it.  So a pie in the face on the page isn't as funny as a pie in the face in person.  And my humor in the book was largely visceral.  I know how to make wordplay, but I'm not as laissez faire with my writing in a book as I am when I make posts like this.  It tends to have a lot more structure and rely on characterization.  Now, this can go two ways.  You can go the ultra light hearted route, like Discworld, and just have people's characters kind of accept the absurdity around them and roll with the punches, keeping their core personalities intact while giving a great excuse to crack jokes, or you can be more realistic.  Real people don't crack jokes after nearly escaping death.  They go "HOLY CRAP, DID YOU JUST SEE THAT?!"  Or something similar.  That's the style of writing I eventually settled upon.

            The other realization I had was that structurally, I didn't like how busy the narrative was jumping back and forth.  I tend to like having a focal point in a story and just sticking with their perception of the world, allowing the audience to not have any knowledge they aren't supposed to.  For comedy, you kind of need a variety of perspectives, I think, in order to keep the audience with you.  I wanted to focus mainly on Aeon and Mina, but I eventually settled on wanting to focus on Mina because while Aeon may have been interesting, he was a reactive character.  He does have his own wishes and agenda, but Mina is the one who goes out and gets stuff done.  She's the one who wants to travel, to learn magic, to help others, etc.  So, I focused on her and the story slowly changed.  Instead of writing a comedy, I found myself writing an adventure.  A coming of age tale about someone who was out in the big bad world, but a tragedy forced them back, getting a chance to go back once again and see the wonders of all there was.  I do enjoy having the characters with a kernel of insight(HA!  Name drop!) about the absurdity of certain situations, which they can roll their eyes to or slap their foreheads, but I still think that's very human.  We all do that in real life, like when you read about a teenage Baptist calling Harry Potter demon worship.  It's like...really...really, guys?  That happens even in a fantasy world, so I just roll with it.

            But yep, this story was initially going to have a comedic bent interspersed with pitch dark drama.  In the end, I decided that wasn't what I wanted.  It was fine to have the drama, but make the story less of a comedy and more of an adventure.  You can have your funny moments, but they're in balance with the sad, or heartwarming, or serious moments.  It's all part of the trip we're on, so to speak.

Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Kernel of Insight: The initial pitch, I've decided that I want to at least give my readers, the few who have stuck with me, a little something a bit more frequently.  So, I've decided that if a re-write cannot be finished and revised in a week, I will have a column here in an attempt to fill out a weekly cycle of updates.  This is, Kernel of Insight.  Also, yeah, I know this was a few days late to be on a regular weekly cycle...chock that up to my own idiocy.  From here on, once a week, either a new chapter or a Kernel of Insight.

            Here, I will share some of my thoughts on the initial drafts of Chronicles of a Frozen Shade, before it was fully planned out, before the magic system was worked out, before anything really had been nailed down.  How I was inspired to create certain characters in certain ways, why things changed, etc.  This will not include spoilers, because these were initial ideas and many of them have since warped, changed, or are no longer recognizable in the story we have before us.  So, for our first Kernel of Insight, let's talk about the initial pitch.

            Back when in the late 2000s, I was on an early morning kick.  I grew up watching Saturday morning cartoons and missed the glory days because there's something beautifully simple, but also kind of innocent and whimsical about kid's programming, especially if it's in cartoon form.  One morning, I discovered a show called "Magi-nation."  This was basically a poke-mon rip off, with a twist.  While there were obvious differences, such as creatures being "imagined beings" or magic existing that basically let the writers play fast and loose with the plot, the big twist was that in every episode something educational would be taught to the audience, be it about political systems, eco systems, or just basic mathematics and logic.  The episode I first got introduced to the series featured the heroes in and underground mushroom garden, not unlike a fairy ring.  It was talking about gardening, but I didn't care.  I was kind of entranced by the setting.  It had a sort of calm ambiance to it, like this was a safe, whimsical place, free from human tampering.  I began to think about what it would be like to have two characters gathering ingredients there.  One of them gestated into Mina, for reasons we may get into later, and the other gestated into Aeon, whose design was a long time in coming, also another story.

            The initial pitch of the story was Aeon and Mina, teacher and student, gathering ingredients in a fairy realm garden.  This was how everything came to be, because everything was leading up to that moment.  Why did Aeon need ingredients?  Why would Mina be in contact with a shadowy figure like him?  How did they get there?  Was there magic in this world?  It got the gears turning, so to speak.  And yes, that means that in my original draft, there were fairies.  The garden and the fairies have since been excised, but for a long time, the fairies and their garden where the pivoting point of Chronicles of a Frozen Shade.  Somehow they had to get there because...just because.  Another show, "Little Snow Fairy Sugar"(I like kid's shows, got a problem with that?  They're cute and fun, which is something modern entertainment sorely lacks.) actually gave me a fleshed out fairy character.  It was a shame to excise her, especially since she could have been a great device for exposition both on how magic worked and why the world was the way it was, but...I didn't really know what to do with her.  There was no journey to go on, like with Mina, Aeon, Celine, Daryl, or any of the other cast.  She just was.  And was a bit annoying at times too.  Cute, but annoying.  There was meant to be a prejudice angle, but when her sadness of being ostracized is resolved the instant Mina takes her in and becomes her friend...yeah...if you don't have a damn good reason for a character to be there, don't have them there.  So, she was taken out.  Her name was going to be Milena.

            This is kind of important because rather than just dying, Milena and Mina somewhat merged together into a more singular personality, both strong, but playful, and not prone to overt periods of being all emo.  Only in extreme moments.  It was a nice balance.  What many readers may not know, however, is that the original draft was completed with Milena still a part of the cast and the second book's introduction was formed with her as an integral part of an early chapter.  She was supposed to be like a self contained Leyline and a way for Mina to wield magic even if she was an inept fool.  I instead went with the angle of magic being available to almost everyone, just requiring so much effort and training that if you weren't going to use it daily, like as a mage, bounty hunter, etc. then there was little point to learning it.

            At times, I do miss the fairy angle of it, but Acacia became something of a fairy garden unto itself, so things worked out in the end.  The story is stronger for having a more tightly wound narrative and biological viewpoint.  There are still fairies, as can be witness in Chapter 2, but they're just regular apocra.  Not some otherworldly oligarchy, like they were in the original drafts, but regular beasts with their own powers and dispositions.  I might still do something with them later, but I have big plans for a few apocra and they don't include fairies.

            Well, this was fun.  I hope you've all enjoyed it as well.

Friday, September 13, 2013

Chapter 16.5: Friendship

 Okay.  It's been a while, but we finally have a new chapter up.  Before I let you delve into it, there's just a small update to make and a few notes on this chapter and the next one.  First, updates.  Because of my schedule, writing has indeed slowed down, but it is at least steady, so it's getting done.  In the mean time, I'm going to be updating this blog more frequently with supplementary material.  Next week will kick off my Kernel of Insight series, where I will offer some looks into the writing process and how certain things in my story ended up the way they did.  I want to make updates a weekly thing at least, but since re-writing is so much more intensive now, I can't put a chapter up every week, so...this is the best I can do.  Also, I've added labels to all my posts, so people looking for specific chapters, updates, supplementary material, etc. will have an easier time finding it.
Now for the notes on this chapter.  I'm not sure about the title...but if I'm sticking with the one word chapter motifs, I guess it's as good as any.  The chapter itself is a denouement from the last three, involving Nerise and the monster sealed within her and how Mina and the others react to that.  I'm not entirely sure I can write pathos well, but I write what I know and this chapter, both the tears and the encouragement, come from my personal experience.  The feeling of helplessness and unfairness alongside the encouragement of people who may not always know what to say to help, but still want to help nonetheless.  I don't claim to be the best, but this comes from the heart, so...I hope you enjoy it.  Before we go back to chapters I wrote in my Final draft, I'll likely add another supplementary chapter after this one, to help the story transition to a new direction and to give more insight into other characters and their reactions to all this.
 Alright.  Now, without further ado, Chapter 16.5.

Chapter 16.5: Friendship

As the morning sun peeked through her attic window, Mina sat up and put her hands to her heart.  She closed her eyes and squeezed her stomach muscles tightly, forcing energy up from within her.  After her stomach let out a mournful gurgle, energy began reluctantly creeping through her arms and into her hands.  Her wrist burned slightly and she opened one eye to look at the purple bruise on her right arm.  Once the energy had filled her hands, a mischievous grin appeared on Mina's lips.  Opening both eyes, she turned to Celine, who was still bundled up in blankets across from her.  Barely able to suppress a giggle, Mina grabbed the air as if it were a tangible object and jerked her arms from left to right, as if pulling on something invisible.  Wind flooded the tiny attic, flowing in the direction Mina had pulled and rustling Celine's blankets.  Mina repeated this action twice more and each time she did the wind grew stronger and stronger until it was strong enough to whip the blankets off of Celine's bed.  However, her tan-skinned friend was nowhere to be seen.  The only thing under the blankets was a large pillow.
            The wind batted Mina's hair to and fro and her grin vanished.  After doing a quick scan of the attic, she shrugged, guided energy from her stomach to her arms and gently pulled the air in the opposite direction than the direction the wind was flowing.  Slowly, the wind died down, leaving her hair standing on end.
            "That's a good look for you."
            Mina's eyes widened and she spun around, only to have Celine leap out from under her bed, tackle her to the floor, grab her flailing legs and sit on her back.  "Celiiiiiiii!" Mina whined, her stomach lending the sound of its own displeasure to her protests.
            "You ought to know better by now," Celine smirked at her and began to tickle the bottoms of Mina's feet.
            "B-but I-I ha-have t-t-ta practice!" Mina stammered, trying to keep herself from falling into a fit of giggles.
            "Feel free," Celine mumbled, "Just not on me!  I'm not a training dummy, Mina."
            Focusing on her whining stomach, Mina managed to squeeze out a little more energy and guided it into her feet.  Rather than trying to give it a specific shape, Mina shoved her feet in the direction of Celine.  The bottoms of her feet tingled as wind burst out of them, followed by a squeal from Celine.
            "H-Hey!" Celine grunted, putting her arms over her face and windswept hair.
            Taking advantage of the momentary distraction, Mina wriggled out from under Celine and wrapped her legs around her friend's waist.  Reaching under Celine's night shirt, she began to furiously tickle her stomach.  Giggles burst free from Celine's throat and she thrashed about on the ground, trying to throw Mina off her.
            "Oy!" the attic's trapdoor was thrown open and Kano's head appeared through the opening.  "I can't believe it.  Sun's up and what do you two do?!" The innkeeper scowled at the two girls. 
            Silence overtook them until Mina cleared her throat and said, "Ummm...cause a racket?"
            "That's right!" Kano nodded.  "And what should you be doing?"
            "Er...getting dressed for work?" Celine tried to smile, despite Kano's disapproving glare.
            "If ya know then why do ya never do it?!" Kano barked, even as the corners of his mouth twitched, struggling to smile through his fierce facade.
            "Aw, lay off, old man.  We'll make it downstairs same as we ALWAYS DO!" Celine shrugged before twisting out of Mina's grasp and tickling the fourteen year old girl under her arms.
            "No fair, Celi!" Mina squealed as her friend's fingers scratched at her armpits.
            "Oh for the love of Shanadia..." Kano dragged his hand over his face.  "You two are more trouble than you're worth."
            Another gurgle came from Mina's stomach and Celine stopped tickling her.  "Heh, sounds like someone's hungry."
            "I'll have something ready for ya," Kano sighed and shook his head, "But first thing's first.  Work, girls."
            "O-okay, uncle," Mina panted, stumbling to her feet and rooting through her clothes.
            "Honestly..." Kano snorted before retreating downstairs and pulling the attic door closed after him.
            Once the innkeeper's footsteps had receded, Celine glanced over at Mina.  "He's not knocking as much anymore," she said, catching a dress Mina threw her way.  "You ought to be more careful with how and when you practice.  That wind storm of yours coulda gotten us both in a lot of trouble."
            "Ehehe, sorry" Mina stuck out her tongue before stripping out of her nightgown and pulling her dress on.  "I'll be more careful next time.  I promise."
            "Still, you're getting really good," Celine smirked, stripping out of her own clothes and putting on her work dress.  "Did you kick wind at me?"
            "Yep!  Aeon's taken my training a little more seriously since the...incident with Nerise," Mina murmured, her shoulder's slumping slightly
            "Speaking of Nerise..." Celine lowered her eyes.  "What are you gonna tell Daryl?"
            There's nothing to tell," Mina sighed, wrapping a clean strip of linen around her bruised wrist.  "I wish she'd just go see her.  Even if Neri won't come out of her house, at least she'd know Daryl's not scared or anything."
            "Yeah, but the princess doesn't have it as easy as we do.  She's got her mom and those clergy breathing down her neck and considering how we looked after Gollia..." Celine shook her head and pulled open the attic door.  "Anyway, there'll be time to talk to her about it after our shift.  C'mon."
            "Yeah," Mina said, bounding after her.  As they headed down stairs, Mina rubbed her growling stomach.  "Ugh...I'm soooooo hungry."
            "Does using the Leyline really take that much out of you?" Celine cocked an eye at Mina.
            "Not really," Mina replied, "Normally, I'd just borrow some energy from my surroundings and it wouldn't be a problem.  Lately though, I've been trying to use magic without drawing in Leyline energy.  To do it using nothing but the energy stored in my body."
            "Ah," Celine nodded.  "Like that time in Gollia."
            "Yeah.  It relies on what I've got stored up." Mina grunted, wiping a trail of drool from her lips when they entered the kitchen.  Kano was mixing up a large pot of oatmeal, frying up some aurox meat in a skillet, and sticking cool meat into several freshly baked biscuits.  The smell of oatmeal and honey intermingling with the savory scent of frying meat and freshly baked bread made Mina's stomach cry out.
            "You're incorrigible," Kano sighed, tossing Mina a biscuit with some fried aurox meat inside, which she immediately devoured.  The burly innkeeper stepped away from his pot and handed some trays laden with oatmeal, biscuits, and mead to the two girls.  "Here.  Sooner you're done, sooner you get a real meal," the orange haired man winked at Mina before returning to his pot of oatmeal.
            After stepping out of the kitchen, the girls stood on the tavern's threshold, surveying the possible customers.  "'re we gonna do this?" Celine mumbled, glancing over at the border guards, who perked up at the sight of her.
            "See to Angelo and the clergyman, Celi" Mina snickered, "I can handle our protectors."
            Letting out a sigh of relief, Celine strode past the border guards, sticking her tongue out at them as she did, and dropped off a few trays at the table where the clergy were sitting.  Grumblings and sighs greeted Mina when she walked through the mass of groggy guardsmen, but she paid it no mind.  She smiled at every border guard, no matter how tired or hung over they looked, dolling out trays of food and mugs of mead as she went.
            "'re no fun," one border guard grunted as she handed him a cup of mead.  "We don't mean no harm to Celine.  We're just-"
            "You just make her feel bad," Mina chided the man.  "And I don't like that."
            "Cantcha cut us just a little break?" another soldier snorted.  "Tonight we go back on duty!  Just once, I'd like to get a nice feel of that plump, juicy-" the man stopped when Mina glared daggers at him.
            "Word to the wise," Mina said, forcing a smile and handing the border guard a mug of mead.  "It's not wise to annoy the people who handle your foot." The soldier looked at his mead, then back at Mina before pushing it aside.
            "Tch," Fak blew air out of the side of his mouth.  "Bet ya wouldn complain if it were you we was payin attention to."
            "Maybe," Mina smiled and thrust a tray and mug of mead at Fak.  "But I know you won't, even if I do fill out later."
            "Hehe, a healthy fear of Kano keeps our hands offa you," Morak chuckled as Mina handed him his food.  "Surprised a healthy fear of you doesn't keep Celine safe."
            "Some people never learn," Mina sighed, glancing back over the border guards who averted their gazes from her.  "Anyway, is it true that you're heading back out tonight?"
            "Yep.  Oughta be a relief to Wrec.  I can only imagine how much he hates the snow, what with that anubian blood of his.  But now that spring's rolled around and the snow's started dyin off, he won't need an extra fur coat."
            "Asides from the one he was born with!" one of the border guards snorted, followed by a few snickers.
            Mina narrowed her eyes, but Morak shook his head and patted her on the shoulder.  "Don't worry none.  We may give each other shit, but goin up there day in and day out ain't easy.  If we don't look after each other, we won't make it."
            "Yeah, yeah, I know," Mina waved aside Morak's comment and sighed.  "Anyway, enjoy your meal."
            After dropping off the last of her trays to the border guards, Mina snuck at peak at the clergy's table.  Celine was still talking with them, despite having given them their food.  Daryl was no where to be seen.
            Slowly, Mina edged closer to Celine and the clergy's table.  "We'll talk to her," Mina heard Celine mumble.
            "We would appreciate that," Angelo mused, looking over at Celine behind steepled fingers.  "I am...concerned about Daryl's behavior in the last few weeks."
            "Things happen," Celine shrugged.  "Just try and remember that she's not a soldier like you lot.  She's still don't be too hard on her."
            "We won't," one of the clergyman spoke up.  "But if she doesn't train, she'll end up slipping.  If that happens, I wouldn't put money on her chances of getting into the academy in Constantine."
            "That girl does have natural talent, though.  I'm sure a few days won't be that big a deal," Another clergyman added, shrugging.
            "A few days is no problem," Angelo shrugged, "I just want to make sure a few days off doesn't turn into a few weeks off...or worse.  What do you think, Mina?"
            Mina jumped at the sound of her name and Celine glanced back at her.  "Ummm...I...think Daryl's just had a rough time lately..." she stammered, trying not to look Angelo directly in the eye.  "But I know she still trains privately in her spare time, so-"
            "Well..." Angelo sighed, "It's something.  Anyway, just talk to her like we discussed, alright?  We know she's in here every morning after we leave to talk to you two."
            "And how do you know that?" Celine snorted.
            "You don't become a journeyman without knowing a thing or two about watching and listening," Angelo smirked and pointed at his eyes and ears.  "Now, can we count on you?"
            "Yeah, yeah, we'll give her your message," Celine grunted, taking Mina by the arm and pulling her away from the clergyman.  Once they were back in the kitchen, the two girls took up positions next to the door and waited for Kano to hand them some more trays.  "He's got some nerve..." Celine snorted, digging her nails into her tan flesh.
            "Maybe he's just really worried about Daryl?" Mina shrugged.
            "Then HE ought to talk to HER.  The way things are now, it feels like he wants us to spy on the princess," Celine ground her teeth together.
            "Why didn't ya tell him as much then?" Kano appeared behind the two girls, holding a set of trays in each hand.  "Your job is to be nice to the customers.  Not indulge their every whim."
            "Just didn't wanna cause a scene, old man..." Celine sighed and took the trays from his right hand.
            "Hehe, don't worry none about causing a fuss," Kano patted Celine's shoulder.  "This inn's been here for almost four generations.  It ain't goin anywhere fast.  And neither am I."
            "We're both glad of that," Mina smiled at Kano and gave him a quick hug before scooping up the trays in his left hand.  "I hope you never change, uncle."
            "Haha, don't tease me, Mina," Kano let out a hearty laugh.  "Why'd you ever want me to stay a thick headed old fool?"
            "Something tells me you know why," Celine smirked and lightly jabbed Kano in the stomach.  "The fact you let me stay here speaks volumes, old man."
            "Ehhh, enough mushy stuff.  Our customers are gettin hungry," Kano chuckled and rubbed the spot Celine had jabbed.
            Both girls nodded and returned to the tavern.  Celine darted past Mina to drop off half a dozen trays to a table of farm hands while Mina headed over to Wrec's table.  The therian was meticulously counting up stacks of bronze, silver, and gold coins when she dropped the tray off at his table.
            "Here you go!" Mina cheerfully intoned.
            "Huh?" Wrec looked up at her with bloodshot eyes and nodded before turning back to his coins.
            "Hey?" Mina muttered, taking a seat across from Wrec.  "Is...something wrong?"
            With a sigh, Wrec shoved the coins into a leather pouch and pulled his food closer to him.  After tearing into his biscuit, Wrec rubbed his bleary eyes and brushed his shaggy black hair out of his face.  "It's nothin.  Forget about it," the therian grunted through a mouthful of biscuit and aurox meat.
            "Seems like you're worried about your money situation," Mina said, resting her elbows on the table and her chin on her hands.  "Isn't the border guard paying you enough?"
            Holding one hand up to his face, Mina saw Wrec's nails briefly grow longer, into feral looking claws and a tuft of black fur sprouted out of his wrist.  When Wrec noticed it, he closed his eyes and the nails and fur quickly retracted.  "The postman dropped off a letter for me yesterday.  It was from my wife and son.  The famine's gotten worse and the farm's not doing well at all.  The money I sent home has helped keep them afloat so far, but..."
            "Oh," Mina said, lowering her eyes.  " there anything we can do to help?"
            "Hehe, not unless you're a rich heiress and just haven't told me," Wrec smirked and shook his head.  "Right now, all I can do is talk with Captain Morak before we head back on duty...see if I can't get a forward on my wages or something.  If I don't get some more money soon, Keira and Fain will go hungry."
            "I could talk to my uncle," Mina added, lifting her eyes to meet Wrec's tired gaze, "Maybe he could open a tab for you and some of the money for your upkeep could go to-"
            "Nah, nah," Wrec shook his head and forced a big toothy smile.  "After all you've done, I wouldn't feel right askin that.  Don't worry.  Things'll work out, one way or another."
            "So..." Mina fidgeted in place.  "Keira and Fain...that's your wife and son?"
            "Yep," Wrec said, spooning mouthfuls of steaming oatmeal down his throat.  "Keira's part cait sith.  We used to fight all the time, but after a while...we kinda realized we liked it.  Got married soon after that and lived pretty well off my family's farm till little Faindall came along."
            "Hehe, my son's full name," Wrec chuckled, beaming with pride.  "My boy...he's only five, but he's tough.  Part garm, just like his da-accck!" Wrec coughed and covered his mouth.  " something stuck in my throat," he wheezed.
            "Next time, finish chewing before you start spinning tales," Mina laughed.  "But...hasn't it been hard for them, what with you being gone?"
            "Sure has," Wrec muttered, wiping at his lips with a napkin.  "I used to be a soldier in the archduke's army before the famine hit.  Once it did, the archduke cut back on his forces to buy food for the people.  Cut me out of a job, but it was for the best so I didn't mind none.  Tried to survive off my family's farm, but...things just keep getting worse for Luvolia.  The crops just ain't growin like they used to.  We get some, but it's not enough.  Ended up living off our savings last winter.  So I had to go where there was work.  Wasn't even sure I'd stop here for as long as I have."
            "Wow...that attack we had a few months ago really opened a few doors for you, huh?" Mina smiled.
            "It's not enough, but at this point, anything is a gift from the goddess," Wrec nodded.
            The therian quickly downed the rest of his food and glanced over at the other border guards.  He swallowed hard and was about to get up, but turned his gaze to Mina, who was staring at him expectantly.
            "Sorry...gotta cut this short."
            "I understand," Mina sighed, glancing behind her at the vacant table Nivtenc used to occupy.  "Maybe you'll get a raise.  They speak pretty highly of you."
            "Haha, never hurts to dream," Wrec shrugged and headed over to Morak.
            Once Wrec had left the table, Mina carried her last tray over to a hooded figure in the middle of the tavern.  Dropping it down in front of the figure, Mina held out her hand.  A small gust of wind burst out of her palm and blew the hood back, revealing Kinana's face, though the horns on her forehead were nowhere to be seen.
            "I was wondering when you'd show up again," Mina smiled and took a seat across from her.
            "Can you blame me?" Kinana shrugged.  "It's been weeks since we've had a chance to just chat.  Aeon never calls me out to watch him train his apprentices...something about the bond between master and student."
            "Apprentice..." Mina rolled the word  around on her tongue for a moment before suppressing a giggle.  "So, what have you been up to lately, Miss Kinana?"
            "I've been looking after Neri," Kinana said, reluctantly taking a bite out of the meat biscuit.  "Aeon told me what happened in Gollia and I offered to lend a hand with her recovery," the succubus kept her eyes locked on Mina and shoved what remained of the biscuit into her mouth.
            "'ve seen Nerise?!" Mina exclaimed.  " she okay, Miss Kinana?!"
            "She's getting better," Kinana sighed, allowing a somber smile to cross her lips.  "But it's a slow process.  She's been very clingy these last few days.  None of us want to leave her alone, so Aeon, Weiss, and I have been taking turns spending the night with her."
            "At least she's alright," Mina sighed with relief.  "Whenever we've tried to see her-"
            "I know," Kinana ruffled Mina's hair and Mina suppressed a squeak when she felt something crawl up her leg.  Glancing under the table, she saw Kinana's tail stroking her knee.  "I heard you come by yesterday and call for her."
            "Miss Kinana!" Mina blushed deeply and sat on her legs.  "Errr...we...we didn't get a response when we knocked on her door, so Celi and I didn't know what to think."
            "That's one of the reasons I've come by, actually," Kinana said while she sipped her oatmeal.  "When you called out for her, Neri's eyes got really big and she glanced longingly at the door for a little bit before hiding under her blankets.  I asked if she wanted me to let you in, but..." the succubus trailed off as she gulped down a spoonful of oatmeal.  "Anyway, I want you three to come see her today."  Kinana said, brushing an errant strand of violet hair away from her tanned face.
            "Well, Celi and I were planning to, but-" Mina started to say.
            "If you can, get your purple haired friend to come too," Kinana interjected.  "She might not know she wants it but...well, it's a mother's job to meddle sometimes," she blushed and flashed Mina a tranquil smile.  "I think she's about ready to try and come back to the world, but she needs a little push.  And we've done all we can, so..."
            "I understand, Miss Kinana," Mina nodded.  "If there's anything we can do to help, then-"
            Mina stopped midsentence as the tavern door creaked open.  She and Kinana turned their heads and saw Daryl amble inside with her head hanging low.  The clergy quickly got to their feet and brushed past her without a word.  Pulling her purple fur cloak tighter around her, Daryl walked as fast as she could to Mina and Kinana's table and quickly took a seat.
            "Any news?" she whispered to Mina, without even looking at Kinana.
            "About what?" Kinana smiled sweetly at Daryl.  The purple haired girl's eyes widened and she suppressed a squeak before scooting closer to Mina and trying to hide behind her friend.  "Haha, nice to see you too," the succubus chuckled.  "Come on...I'm not that scary, am I?"
            "Ehhhh..." Mina scratched the back of her head and let out a nervous laugh.  "Scary isn't the word I'd use, Miss Kinana."
            "Intimidating is more like it," Celine said, taking the table's last seat and dropping food off in front of Mina, Daryl, and herself.  "At least to them."
            "Oh!  Celi, I'm sorry, I-!" Mina mumbled.
            "Hehe, forget it.  I kinda figured I'd have to finish up by myself once I saw you two together."
            "So...are you not intimidated by me, Celi?" Kinana winked at Celine.
            The tan skinned girl shrugged.  "Not really.  So long as you keep your hands off Mina, I don't have any problems with you.  But enough about that," Celine leaned forward.  "What can you tell us about Nerise?"
            "Right!" Daryl chimed in.  "Is she okay?"
            Slowly, Kinana reached across the table and patted Daryl's head.  "You're a kind girl, aren't you?" she smiled and stroked Daryl's purple hair.  "If you're worried, why don't you come by and see for yourself?"
            "But..." Daryl lowered her eyes.  "I...when she changed, I...I tried to run.  And now..." she sighed and shook her head.  "Now I'm scared to go see her."
            "Come on, Princess..." Celine grunted.  "Don't tell me you're still not over that."
            "I don't mean I'm scared of Neri, vagabond!" Daryl gritted her teeth and flashed Celine an angry glare.  "What I meant was...well..." she lowered her eyes.  "She saw me try to run...and..."
            "You...think she doesn't want to be your friend anymore?" Mina raised an eyebrow.
            "Maybe..." Daryl sighed and glanced over at Kinana, whose smiled had broadened.  "Is Neri alright?  These two haven't been able to tell me anything," she gestured to Mina and Celine.
            "Though not for lack of trying..." Celine hissed under her breath.
            "Let it go..." Mina whispered to her friend and patted her arm.
            "Nerise isn't feeling well," Kinana said, gathering her cloak around her and standing up.  "Her body's recovered, but her heart is still sick.  Aeon's a talented healer and we've all done what we can to cheer her up, but...well, a sick heart is harder to mend than a cut or a broken bone.  I bet a visit from her wayward friends might speed things along, though."  The three girls glanced down at the food before them, then turned their gazes back to Kinana.  "I'll be waiting outside.  You've got five minutes."
            As Kinana headed outside, Mina and the others shoveled food into their mouths until their plates were empty.  Loud gurgles bubbled up from the girls' stomachs, but they forced themselves to stand nonetheless.  Daryl followed Mina and Celine when they returned to the kitchen.
            Kano was cleaning out the pot he'd been cooking the oatmeal in and didn't even bother to look up at them.  "Lemme guess.  You're goin out with Daryl and won't be back till the dinner shift, right?"
            "Are we that predictable?" Celine smirked, crossing her arms and leaning against the doorframe.
            "Just make sure Deminos keeps his hands to himself, ya hear?" Kano grunted, tossing his dirty cleaning cloth into a bucket of water.  "Or has he hooked up with that neeg friend of his...what was her name...Yuka?"
            "Uncle..." Mina rolled her eyes.
            "Hehe, have fun you three," Kano flashed the girls a smile and returned to his cleaning.
            Once they were clear of the kitchen, Daryl let out a long sigh.  "I'm glad Kano trusts you two like that.  Angelo has been...making a bit of a fuss about how many of my morning and evening training sessions I've missed, lately."
            "With you too?" Celine grunted.  "Well I'll be damned.  He actually had the stones to do it himself."
            "Actually he brought it up to my mom," Daryl bit her lip. 
            "Of course he did..." Celine snorted and rolled her eyes.
            "Thankfully, after what happened in Gollia, mom believed me when I said I was sick.  Even with clean clothes and a bath, I looked-"
            "Yeah, we got it bad from my uncle too," Mina lowered her eyes.  "He's trusting but not stupid.  I managed to wrap up the bite mark on my arm and the cuts on my fingers were pretty faded by the time we came back, but it was clear we'd been through the ringer."
            "Speaking of..." Daryl pulled up the sleeve of her tunic, revealing a purplish bruise a little ways up her forearm.  "Does this look infected to you?  It's been changing colors and-"
            "Yeah," Mina smirked, holding up her own wrist and peeling off the bandage, "Mine too.  But you don't need to worry.  It's not infected, Daryl.  When I was on the road, anytime someone gave blood to a teythen, their skin turned that color.  It'll be fine in a week or so."
            Daryl let out a long sigh as they headed into the early morning sunlight and rolled her sleeve back down.  "Thank mother was beside herself when she saw it.  Thought I'd been bitten by a rabid apocra."
            "I thought you knew all about teythens and apocra, princess," Celine mumbled, "Don't your books talk about stuff like that?"
            "If it's not fatal or poisonous, then it's not worth mentioning," Daryl grunted.  "The most it says about teythen's bite is that it can change someone into a teythen if applied directly to their still beating heart.  Nothing besides that."
            "You three seem to be getting on well."  The girls jumped as Kinana appeared behind them.  "Though you should be a bit more careful," she jerked her head in the direction of Angelo and one of his clergyman, who were walking away from them stiff legged.
            "Oh no..." Daryl gasped, her eyes darting from Mina and Celine to Kinana's mischievous smile.
            "Relax, Dary," Kinana licked her lips and patted Daryl on the head.  "They don't know about your little trips.  Though, at some point people will start asking questions, so...keep that in mind."
            "Then what were they doing?" Mina mused, stroking her chin.  "Oh for the love of..." she snorted, smacking her forehead.  "Was Angelo actually going to spy on Daryl?!"
            "That's about the size of it," Kinana shrugged.  "I set him and his buddy straight though.  They're going to wander around the village for an hour or two to keep up appearances, then remember nothing after they left the tavern."
            "Heh, serves him right.  Although..." Celine gave Kinana a playful buffet to her arm.  "If you can do that, maybe I should be intimidated of you."
            "Either way is fine," the succubus let out a lusty laugh as the three of them made their way to the outskirts of Gesthal.
            The air was cold, even though the sun was relatively high in the sky, and a gentle breeze wafted past, sending shivers through the four of them as they traveled along the edge of the forest south of Gesthal.  Flowers doused with morning dew bloomed on the edges of the thick woods to the left of them and the trees shone with a radiant green when the sun touched their foliage.  Save for the occasional warble or cry of an apocra from the forest, all was calm.  Once they arrived at the smooth hill, Kinana knocked on the stone surface and a door appeared.  Pulling the door open, the succubus ushered the three girls inside before closing the door after her.
            " are we going to get down to Nerise?" Daryl muttered, pulling on Kinana's cloak as they walked through the stone hall leading into Acacia.  "I usually have a ride, but-"
            "Don't worry.  It's taken care of," Kinana smiled.
            The four of them stepped out of the stone hallway and into Acacia, however it was much dimmer on the patched together island than it was outside.  Grey clouds hung in the air and while light occasionally peaked through the clouds, it was decidedly gloomy looking.
            "Well, let's go," Kinana said, stripping off her cloak to reveal a tight fitting tunic of leather that had a segment cut out of the middle, revealing the Goetian's tanned midriff.  She stretched her arms out and flexed her wings.  "Ahhhhh!  That feels better.  Now.  Ceeeeeereeeeee!  Here boy!" she called.
            The ground shook as a large, furry apocra, with bits of rotting flesh hanging from its bones, clambered up the steep wall of the valley to the left of them.  The four legged creature bounded over to Kinana and lapped her face with all three of its tongues.
            "Haha, later boy, later..." Kinana patted one of Cere's three noses.  "You three remember Cere, right?"
            "Hey there," Mina waved at the undead apocra, who let out a bark and wagged his bony tail at her.
            "I didn't think anyone but Nerise could control undead here..." Daryl said, ambling over to the apocra and touching its wet nose.  "Well, I guess Aeon could, but-"
            "It's not about control, Dary," Kinana smirked, "Cere has a choice of who he listens to."
            "So, how'd you bribe him?" Celine snickered, allowing the undead apocra to rub one of its three furry heads against hers.  A bit of fur molted off Cere's decaying head onto Celine, who brushed it off without looking at her friends.
            Mina and Daryl suppressed a giggle while Kinana pointed her finger towards the ground.  "Cere!  Down boy!" Cere lowered himself down to the ground and the four of them climbed onto the undead apocra's back.  "I didn't have to bribe him," Kinana laughed, "He knows better than to disobey his mother's mother."
            "Does that make you a grandmother?" Mina chuckled.
            Kinana froze in place for a moment before sighing and shaking her head.  "A lady never reveals her age," she stuck out her tongue at the three girls and pointed at the valley below them.  "Take us to Neri," Kinana said and patted Cere's head.
            Mina could feel Cere tense under her and grabbed hold of a tuft of his hair just before the undead apocra launched itself down the walls of the valley.  Celine and the others had to hold onto Cere's loose fur to keep from tumbling off, while Kinana sat just below Cere's neck, unphased by all the shaking.  After touching down on the valley's floor, Cere sloshed through the river of brackish water that ran through the barren landscape and skidded to a halt a little ways from a shack that was sitting on the river.  Sniffing the air with all three of his noses, Cere laid down and began to whine.
            "'s okay, boy," Kinana patted Cere's middle head and dismounted.  "None of the undead know what to do with Neri being this way," the succubus sighed.  "They're all worried, but aren't exactly able to give her a pep talk."
            Daryl started towards Nerise's cabin, but stopped a little ways in front of Kinana, Mina, and Celine.  "I'm...not sure I know what to say anymore than these undead," she stammered.
            "Really, princess?" Celine sighed and massaged her temples.
            "It's okay, Daryl.  Just being there will be enough," Mina said, walking up to her friend and taking her hand.  "Plus, we'll be there too.  It'll be alright.  Don't worry."
            "Come on.  Neri is waiting," Kinana added, leading the way.  The four of them trudged up the creaking stairs of Nerise's cabin to a deck laid out around the perimeter.  After taking a deep breath, Kinana rapped three times on the door.  Inside, the sound of something writhing about could be heard, however there was no response.  Kinana knocked again.  "It's me, Weiss!  Come on, can't you feel my presence?"
            The door rustled and something glassy and black oozed out from under it.  The black sludge rose up and formed a green eyeball.  "Kinana," Weiss's voice came from the eye.  Glancing past her, the eye rose up a little further and twisted around to look at Mina, Celine, and Daryl.  "And our usual gue-wait..." Weiss's eye was level with Daryl's head and the purple haired girl stared into it, wide eyed.  "You!"
            Immediately, the eye slithered back into the black slime and it pulled itself back inside.  The door opened a crack and Mina made out Weiss's green eyes shining at them.
            "I..." Daryl cleared her throat and stepped forward.  "I'd like to see that's okay, I mean."
            "We'd like to see her too.  I'm gettin tired of being brushed off," Celine added, crossing her arms.
            Weiss did not respond, however deeper within the cabin, a tiny, choked voice called out.  "Dary?"  The door slammed shut for a moment, followed by hushed whispers.  Then, slowly, the door opened again.
            Supported by Weiss, Nerise stumbled out of the door garbed in a thin black night shirt and with a blue blanket draped around her body.  Her face was pasty and awash with sweat and though she kept her watery, bloodshot eyes downcast, Mina saw dark circles under them.  The girl's coarse black hair stuck out at odd angles and her bare legs trembled from the act of standing.
            "Dary..." Nerise grunted, looking over at a wide eyed Daryl before turning towards Mina and Celine, who had furrowed their brows.  "Mina and Celi too..."  a cough escaped her lips and she covered her mouth.  "Sorry for ignoring you," a forced smile came to Nerise's lips.  "I promise that when I'm better we can-" she was interrupted by Daryl, who ran over to her and hugged Nerise.
            "I'm sorry," Daryl mumbled, squeezing the little girl tightly as tears sprang to her eyes.  "I'm sorry for not coming sooner."
            "Neri..." Mina whispered, her own eyes misting up when she walked over to the little girl and embraced her alongside Daryl.  "It's don't need to act tough around us."
            "I...I'm not...!" Nerise sniffled.  "I'm fine, really, I-"
            "The Goetian hells you're fine!" Celine snorted.  "Look at you!" she took Nerise's hand and ran her fingers up the little girl's arm.  "You've gotten thinner and you're almost as pale as Vincent...have you eaten anything since we got back?!"
            Nerise looked away from the three of them.  "I haven't been hungry," she said in a small voice.
            "Neri!" Kinana grunted, crossing her arms.  "You promised me you'd try and eat while I was out!"
            "But I...Weissy?" Nerise appealed to the Nihilon for support.  Weiss's eyes glanced over Mina, Celine, and Daryl, before resting on Kinana's fierce expression.  Though he lacked a face, Weiss's glassy head seemed to slump slightly and his eyes unfocused.
            "Weiss!" Kinana strode up the Nihilon and glared directly at him.  "You said you'd take care of her while I was gone!  Aeon and I left that oatmeal there so she'd eat it and get some of her strength back!"
            "She...said she was not hungry," Weiss stammered, his calm voice radiating uncertainty.  "I assumed-"
            "Goddess...sometimes you're a real fool," Kinana sighed, dragging her violet nails over her face.  "Inside, all of you!" she barked, prying Nerise free of Daryl and Mina and carrying her inside.  Weiss and the three girls followed meekly after her.
            The shack was dim, but spacious.  Though only a few dying candles were lit inside, there was a large stone fireplace to the left of the doorway, which fed into a wood stove.  Several cabinets and shelves dotted the walls around the stove.  To the right of the door, the floor overlooked the river and a hole had been made with a bucket on a string dangling over the purplish-black water below.  Past the hole in the floor, the far right wall was piled high with various bones.  Some were partly constructed into skeletons and were propped up at a table.  Rather than looking unsettling, the skeletons were in somewhat comical poses, with a tea cup balanced on the pinky of one, while another had its half finished legs up on the table. 
            The middle of the room was dominated by a large carpet of black and purple silk with several apocra, humans, teythens, and other creatures surrounding a large black crystal.  After examining the rest of the room, Mina took a closer look at the carpet and spied a little girl and a skeletal figure near the front of the crystal.  The shack's back wall had row upon row of shelves laden with dolls, toys, and trinkets of varying degrees of beauty and value, next to a large wardrobe, whose doors were open.  Inside were a few toy scepters, several cloaks, and a variety of black dresses and tunics, only differentiated by green or blue embroidery on a few specific ones.  Just below the shelves and next to the wardrobe was a large feather mattress covered in pillows and blankets. 
            A hollow had been made in the cocoon of beddings that Kinana plopped Nerise into before glancing down at the floor in front of the mattress.  A covered pot and several sets of wooden bowls and spoons lay practically untouched at her feet.
            "Dammit..." Kinana sighed, lifting the lid to reveal oatmeal swimming with black raisins and sugar crystals up to the pot's brim.  Covering the pot once again, she set it over the fireplace and grabbed a piece of flint from one of the low shelves.  Striking her nail against the flint, she managed to get a small flame going on the logs in the fireplace and coaxed it to life while Mina, Celine, and Daryl took seats next to Nerise on the plush carpet.
            Once the fireplace was going, shedding a warmer, friendlier light on the shack's interior, Kinana busied herself with setting a kettle of water on the wood stove.  She dumped a few purplish leaves into the kettle before taking a seat next to Nerise, but opposite Mina, Celine, and Daryl.
            Nerise had sunken down into her nest of beddings and avoided looking at anyone.  "I'm sorry, Kina..." Nerise mumbled, sniffing back tears.
            "I'm not mad at you, Neri," Kinana said, shooting Weiss a venomous glare when he folded himself into a sitting position next to her, "but you know better.  Just because you're not hungry doesn't mean you don't need food.  Now, will you please eat some of the porridge Aeon made for you?  He'll be worried if you don't..."
            "Okay..." Nerise mumbled.
            "If it's alright, we could stay here and have some with you," Daryl wiped at her eyes and tried to smile.  "I-I know that a meal's more fun if you have someone to talk to while you eat."
            "Yeah..." Nerise sniffled, "I'd like that."
            "Do you...want to talk about what happened, Nerise?" Celine mumbled.
            Mina felt her heart leap into her mouth when she saw Nerise's eyes widen and her mouth drop open.  "You don't have to if you don't want to!" Mina quickly interjected.  "But sometimes when you're sad, talking helps get all those bad feelings out, right?  Although..." she added, growing somber, "I know it might be hard to talk.  When I lost my mom and dad, I didn't want to talk about it at all.  My uncle didn't push me, but he knew that I needed to talk to someone.  And when I was ready, he listened.  It...made the pain go away a little," Mina said, flashing Nerise a solemn smile.
            "Your uncle sounds a lot like my papa," Nerise squeaked, pulling back the beddings to reveal her thin neck.  It bore an ugly bruise where Baran's whip had latched around it.  "I...I'm not sure what to talk about," Nerise added, kicking back her covers and wrapping her arms around her legs.  "I'm sorry about not saying anything when you called on me the last few days," she nodded at Mina and Celine.  "I wanted to...but I thought...I thought you might be..." she sniffled and rubbed her watery eyes.
            "Scared?" Celine smirked at Nerise and shrugged.  "Neri is Neri.  It doesn't matter what you look like.  You're still you.  And you're still our friend."  When she had finished, Daryl reached over and punched her in the arm.  "Ow!  The Goetian hells, princess?!"
            "You totally stole my thunder, vagabond!" Daryl snapped, "I wanted to say least something like it," she blushed and her eyes darted from Celine to Nerise.
            "Can't you two get along for five minutes?" Mina let out a short laugh and shook her head.  "Still, at least you picked something worthwhile to fight over."
            "You two're silly," Nerise giggled, holding her hand over her mouth and coughing into it through her laughs.
            "Neri," Weiss scooted closer to Nerise and gingerly draped one of her blankets over her shoulders.  "Please, do not push yourself.  You are still recovering."
            "Thank you, Weissy," Nerise stroked Weiss's hand as a fresh set of tears leaked out of her eyes.  "Does...does it hurt?"
            "Of course not," Weiss shook his head.  "I keep telling you, I am fine."
            "You two..." Kinana massaged her temples.  "How can two people care so much about each other, but still act without even a lick of common sense?"
            "Good question," Daryl smirked.  "How do you manage, Mina?  Vagabond?"  Kinana stifled a giggle and tried to look stern, while Nerise clung to Weiss's talon and chuckled to herself.
            "Ehehe...I guess it all comes down to worry," Mina stammered and blushed.  "We want to help those we love, but don't always know how.  Right, Celi?"  Celine's cheeks were burning red, but she managed a curt nod.  "And sometimes we don't want to make things we just go along with what makes our friends happy."
            "Problem is..." Celine sighed and shook her head, "That isn't always what they need."
            "Oh?" Weiss tilted his head to the side and gazed directly at Celine.
            Behind them, the kettle began to whistle.  "Mina, would you mind giving me a hand?" Kinana said as she got up and took the kettle off the stove.  "This tea is medicine for Neri.  Can you get me a large cup?"
            "Sure," Mina jumped to her feet and skipped over to Kinana's side.  She pulled out a large mug, decorated with pictures of apocra skeletons and the succubus poured the steaming purple liquid into it.  Mina carried the mug over to Nerise while Kinana lifted the heavy pot of porridge out of the fireplace and carefully laid it down in the middle of everyone.  Though the pot was not red hot, a hint of mist escaped the top.
            "This time, I want you to eat, even if you're not hungry," Kinana nodded to Nerise as she uncovered the porridge and dolled a large helping into one of the wooden bowls.
            "I will..." Nerise sulked.
            "Ooooo, that smells good," Celine said after taking a big whiff of the porridge.
            "Here.  Aeon always over does it when it comes to Neri, so there's plenty to go around," Kinana said, handing bowls to Mina, Celine, and Daryl before finally filling one for herself.
            Slowly, Nerise lifted a spoonful of the steaming porridge and blew on it before sticking it in her mouth.  "Mmmm..." she let out a sigh of delight and swallowed.  "Yummy..."
            "I'm surprised you didn't want to eat it before," Daryl said, closing her eyes and relishing the taste.  "This is almost as good as your cakes."
            "Aeon knows how I like it," Nerise giggled, gulping down another spoonful of porridge.  "Just a touch of water from my river adds a...nice kick to it," she let out a yawn.  " this."  Nerise's eyes began to droop and she laid her spoon down before letting out another yawn and leaning backwards.  Weiss held out his hand behind Nerise and the little girl slumped against it, as if it were the back of a comfy chair.  Her eyes closed and within seconds, gentle snoring emanated from the little girl's throat.
            "So much for our visit," Celine quietly snickered.  "Though, she does look like she needs some sleep."
            "She does," Kinana sighed, scooting closer to Nerise.  "But..."
            Weiss narrowed his eyes until they were almost invisible.  "Neri has been trying to avoid sleeping," the Nihilon said barely above a whisper. 
            Nerise began to toss about back and forth in Weiss's grip.  Her face twisted into a look of anguish and she began to sob in her sleep.
            "She's in pain!" Daryl exclaimed, getting up and kneeling down next to Nerise.  She held out a hand and Nerise grabbed onto it, squeezing so tightly that Daryl grimaced.  "Can't you do something for her?" She hissed at Kinana.  "Aren't Goetians like you supposed to have some power over dreams?!"
            "The best I can do is try to ease her pain," Kinana sighed and moved onto Nerise's mattress.  Lifting up her tail, she pierced Nerise's neck and fluid began to flow through it.
             Minutes passed slowly and Nerise released Daryl's hand.  Her body relaxed and she snuggled against Weiss's hand.  However, the expression on her face grew more and more desperate.  She weakly thrashed about in Weiss's grasp for a few minutes, before sitting bolt upright and screaming at the top of her lings.  Tears poured out of Nerise's eyes and she wrapped her arms around Daryl's shoulders, burying her face in the wide eyed girl's chest.
            "Shhhh shhh," Kinana patted Nerise on the back as the little girl's sobs began to die down.  "It's okay.  You're alright.  We're all here for you."
            Looking up at a very shocked Daryl, Nerise blew her nose on her night shirt and leaned back into Weiss's hand.  "S-Sorry," she sniffled, wiping at her eyes.  "I dozed off again, didn't I?"
            "Here," Kinana held up the mug of steaming purple liquid.  "The scalna tea should be cool enough to drink by now.  It'll help you stay awake."
            "Th-thank you, Kina," Nerise stammered, sipping at the hot liquid in between sobs.
            Everyone's eyes were fixed on Nerise as she finished her drink.  "Nerise-" Daryl started to say.
            "I still need to finish my porridge," Nerise mumbled, reaching down and picking up her bowl.  "We'll talk more after, okay?" she forced herself to smile, even though her face was a mess of snot and tears.
            Kinana pulled her tail from Nerise's neck and glanced over at the three girls.  Both she and Weiss shot them pleading glances, but Mina, Celine, and Daryl were all staring at Nerise, dumbfounded.
            "How have you been lately, Dary?" Nerise glanced over at Daryl.  "Mina?  Celi?" she moved her gaze to Mina then Celine.
            With a sigh, Celine stumbled to her feet and walked over to Nerise.  She cracked her knuckles and, for an instant, Weiss and Kinana's eyes widened.  They were about to stop her, but Mina held up her hands and rapidly shook her head.  Weiss and Kinana did not move.  They watched as Celine gingerly placed her fist against Nerise's head and rubbed her knuckles against the little girl's scalp.
            "Ow!" Nerise squealed, grabbing her head.  "What was that for?!"
            "For being stupid," Celine said, plopping down next to Nerise and shaking her head.  "You can't just pretend like that didn't happen, Neri."
            "But, I-"
            "Look, I get it, okay?" Celine cut her off.  "You don't want people you love or care about seeing you weak or crying or in pain.  Even I try and hide my sadness from Mina and Kano...but the thing is..."
            "You don't have to," Mina added, scooting over to Daryl's side and taking Nerise's hand.  "Even if we haven't known each other that long, you don't need to pretend around us.  It's okay to be sad, Neri."
            Still holding her head with one hand, Nerise lowered her eyes and began to tear up.  "It's not your problem," she said, her voice growing somber and watery.  "And it can't be changed anyway."
            "Neri," Daryl said, reaching out and hugging Nerise.  "We came here because we were worried...if anything, we'd be more worried if you just kept flashing us that fake smile of yours."
            "Fake smile?" Nerise wiped her eyes and glanced over at Weiss and Kinana.
            "Neri...right now, your smile causes me more worry than relief," Weiss said, reaching his talon over Nerise's head and stroking her hair, "Because I know that you are sad inside."
            "We all try and hide our sadness for the sake of others at some point," Kinana sighed, "And sometimes that's necessary.  But you don't have to hide it around us."
            For a few seconds, Nerise was silent.  However, a tiny whisper escaped her lips.  "It's not fair...!"  Nerise trembled in Daryl's arms and began to thrash about.  She pushed away from the three girls and wrapped her arms around her waist.  "It's not fair it's not fair it's not fair!!! I never asked for this!  I never wanted Nazon inside me!" she screamed and clawed at her chest.  "I just wanted to live with Aeon and Kina and Weissy and Granny in Gollia!  Why...why couldn't they all just leave me alone?!" she screamed, tears pouring out of her eyes.  "They didn't need me!  They had plenty of others!" she hugged herself and Weiss put his hand around her waist, while Celine touched her shoulder.  "Everyday...I feel him inside me everyday!  Weeping...and screaming...he wants to get out!  I...I'm his prison!" she collapsed into her blankets, sobbing so hard that her entire body shook.  "Everyone'd be better off if...if I'd never been saved!  Aeon should have just let me die back then!"
            "Don't you dare say that!" Kinana snapped, grabbing Nerise and pulling her close as a few stray tears leaked out of the succubus's eyes.  "Aeon and I love you, Neri...Weiss and the others love you...none of us regret that Aeon saved you.  I just...I wish you didn't have to suffer for that second chance."
            "Neri...none of us wanted you to die," Mina whispered, as tears formed in her own eyes.  "That's why..." she sniffled and wiped at her eyes.  "That's why we fought too.  We wanted to get you back."
            "We were..." Daryl stammered before lunging at Nerise and embracing her alongside Kinana.  "I was...I was so scared," she wept, "That you were gone.  The thought that I'd never get to debate with you...or bake with you...or just talk to terrified me, Neri,"
            "Dary...Mina...Kina..." Nerise coughed and spluttered, glancing around the room.
            "We're all glad you're alive," Celine nodded at her before rubbing at her own eyes.  "I know that sometimes it feels like too much.  But we're glad you've stuck around."
            "Nerise," Weiss's whole hand engulfed Nerise, Kinana, and Daryl.  "You are the only one who ever spoke to me without fear or reservation.  I..." the Nihilon faltered, but he pressed his glassy black forehead against the top of Nerise's head.
            "I...I'm sorry," Nerise wiped furiously at her eyes.  "I...I am glad.  Glad I'm here...glad you're here...but...but..." Nerise continued to sob for several minutes.  She leaned against Daryl and Kinana for support while her friends watched in silence with misty eyes.  "It's not fair...!" Nerise sobbed, over and over again.
            When her tears finally subsided, she tried to wiggle her way out of being sandwiched between Kinana, Daryl, and Weiss.  The three of them gave her space and she crawled back over to her cocoon of blankets.  Nerise reached down and picked up her bowl of porridge.  Slowly, she stuck the spoon in her mouth and licked it clean.  Sniffling as she did, she ate another spoonful of porridge and rubbed her stomach.  She began to eat with more vigor and after a few minutes, Nerise had emptied her bowl.
            "Neri?" Mina whispered, wiping at her eyes, "Are you...?"
            "Awful.  I feel awful," Nerise sniffled and held out her bowl to Kinana.  "Can I...can I have some more, Kina?"
            For a moment, Kinana stared at the bowl and did not move.  However, she quickly recovered and took Nerise's bowl.  After filling it to the brim, she handed it back to Nerise and flashed her a somber smile.  "I'm glad you're eating," she mumbled.
            "I'm hungry now," Nerise grunted and began to tuck into the porridge.
            "You uncle once told me that you need to eat if you're gonna get a job done," Mina stammered, a tired smile crossing her lips.  Weiss and Nerise both gave her a curious look.  "And...he told me that living is the hardest job of all," Mina felt herself blush as she spoke.
            " is," Nerise sniffed.  "I'm sorry for bawling like that," she added, licking her spoon.  "I...It's been years since I...centuries...anyway," she shook her head, "It's not fair.  But life isn't, is it?  You've all had a tough time too, right?" Nerise said, glancing from Daryl, to Mina, to Celine.  "With life, I mean?"
            "Yeah.  For a while, it was like a wide awake nightmare," Celine rubbed the scars on the backs of her ears before shaking her head.  " the end, things turned out okay.  I've got a place to stay, warm food, someone I can pick fights with, and the best friend in the whole wide world," the tan skinned girl chuckled before nodding at Daryl and Mina.
            "And I have an annoying vagabond always pushing my buttons," Daryl smiled back at her.  "'s at least always interesting with you two around," she added, putting her hand on Mina's shoulder.
            "Mmhmm," Mina nodded.  "When I lost my parents, things could have gotten much worse.  But I had my uncle and I made some friends.  Hehe, I'm still making friends, actually," she winked at Nerise before turning her gaze to Weiss and Kinana.  "We've been lucky."
            "I..." Nerise sniffled, dropped her spoon, and slurped her porridge down straight from the bowl.  "Me too," she said, after finishing off her porridge.  "I found a papa who would protect me.  And a mama who cared about me," She looked up at Kinana and handed her the empty bowl, which Kinana immediately refilled.  "And a Granny.  And a best friend," she patted Weiss's hand.  "And plenty of people who care about me."
            "So the others have been here too?" Mina glanced over at Kinana.
            "There have been...many visitors," Weiss murmured.
            "Yeah.  Gadius checks in every night or whenever he hears a scream come from the valley and makes sure this place is stocked with vegetables, herbs, and medicine," Kinana replied, "Dakon and Echidna bring the little ones around when they can.  With Ecchi being pregnant, it's harder, but they spent the whole first night with me and Nerise.  Dem and Yuka have been in and out in the evenings.  Yuka made Nerise this little toy here," Kinana stood up and plucked a skeleton made of metal rods and gears from the shelf above her.  "Remember, Neri?"
            Nerise twisted a key in the back and the skeleton's arms and legs began to twist around.  "It's silly, but I like it," Nerise laughed and handed off the skeleton to Daryl so she could examine it.
            "Deminos put on a show for her as well.  Remember the satyrs, Neri?" Weiss added.
            "Haha, yeah," Nerise let out a short laugh.  "They were juggling and dancing and being goofy.  Even Merkel came down to see me."
            "Hah!  The old grouch does have a heart," Celine snorted.  "Yuka'll be disappointed."
            "Yeah...but still...he was worried," Nerise lowered her eyes.  "Everyone was worried.  I'll need to tell them I'm okay."
            "Neri...are you okay?" Daryl furrowed her brow and passed off the skeleton to Mina.
            "I think..." Nerise said, holding out her bowl to Kinana, who refilled it immediately.  "I think I'm ready to start living again," Nerise said, sucking down another spoonful of porridge.  "I'm still tired and sad, but...I'm lucky.  Lucky to have all my friends...and my family...and this second chance," she put her hands over her heart and let out a large yawn.  Nerise began to slow down on eating her porridge and rubbed her eyes in between bites. 
            " After all that food and all that crying, you must be pretty sleepy, huh?" Celine smirked at her and patted Nerise on the head.  "Will you be okay going to sleep?"
            "Yeah...I think so," Nerise gave everyone a weak, but genuine, smile and leaned against Weiss's hand for support.  "Sorry...I want to talk with you some more...about some less depressing things," she added, handing her half empty porridge bowl to Kinana.
            "Well, we can stay if you want," Mina flashed Nerise a smile, even though the little girl's eyelids were drooping.  "Celi and I don't have any other plans today.."
            "Silly..." Nerise let out a short laugh.  "Isn't...Aeon...waiting?  He' worried don'" she said in between yawns before slumping against Weiss's hand.
            "It's alright," Kinana said, laying Nerise down in her nest of bedding and covering her up.  "You've done enough."  The succubus smiled at the three girls and nodded to Nerise, whose eyes had already closed shut.  Her mouth was twisted into a gentle smile and a soft snoring escaped her lips.  "You did better than I could have hoped for," Kinana wiped at her eyes.
            "We didn't do anything, really," Celine shrugged.
            "Well...," Mina blushed and lowered her eyes.  "Maybe we made her cry."  The others gave Mina a questioning look for a moment and she blushed harder.  "I know from experience that just need to cry and yell and scream and get it all out of your system.  And that's okay.  She held it in because she didn't want anyone to worry.  But we were worried because she couldn't let it out.  She...she was just trying to be strong."
            "She is strong," Kinana gingerly stroked Nerise's long, coarse, black hair.
            "Ummm..." Daryl stammered, scooting up to Nerise's mattress.  "If it's alright...could I stay and watch her with you?"
            "Sure you don't mind?" Kinana winked at Daryl and the purple haired girl's face turned bright red.
            "I..." Daryl kept her eyes low to avoid looking into Kinana's.
            "Don't worry, Daryl," Mina sighed.  "She's harmless.  And Miss Kinana, please stop teasing my friends."
            Kinana let out a short giggle and nodded.
            "Heh...I can take a hint," Celine smirked and gave Daryl a playful buffet to the arm.  "We'll leave you alone.  C'mon, Mina."
            "Okay," Mina nodded.  " you know how we get out?  Will Cere take us, or-?"
            "I shall take you out," Weiss said.  He unfolded from his spot next to Nerise and almost touched the ceiling with his head.  "Follow me."  The glassy black silhouette opened the door and took one last look at Nerise's sleeping form before ushering Mina and Celine outside.