Wednesday, December 10, 2014

State of Serano: 12-10-2014

Okay...I've been gone for a bit.  Last chapter is out, please check it if you've missed it, but...yeah, I've been insanely busy here.  Last week I was sick, before that I had to cope with obligations for work during my time off, building a presentation about video games as educational tools and preparing for a teacher test.  So far, I've been bogged down with getting done what needs to be done, mainly my Christmas special for my gaming blog.

Let me be frank.  Work on revising this next chapter starts next week.  I hope to have it finished before the middle of January, which will be when I need to take another hiatus to get another project done for work.  All in all, I know my workload has slowed significantly, but until this gets published, this is still just a personal project, so...priorities.

I have a lot I would still like to do with Mina and Aeon's story, so please look forward to that.  I'll post another update in January if things get delayed too much.  Until then, please be patient and revisit the other stories, if you like.  Or, check out my video game blog:

I can put out videos and posts more regularly on that because my video editing takes far less creativity and oversight than my writing and written editing. 

I've said it before and I will say it again.  I will not give up on this project until I see it through to completion.  Anyone who still holds interest, please believe me, more is coming.

Thank you for those who have been faithful.